kient / Channel
Class: Channel
Data structure of a user's channel
Property | Modifier | Type | Description | Inherited from | Defined in |
_kient | readonly | Kient | - | Base ._kient | src/structures/base.ts:4 |
bannerPicture | public | string | The banner picture url of the channel | - | src/structures/channel.ts:32 |
channelDescription | public | string | The description of the channel | - | src/structures/channel.ts:37 |
id | public | string | The channel owner's user ID | - | src/structures/channel.ts:22 |
ingest? | public | object | The channel's private ingest details | - | src/structures/channel.ts:83 |
ingest.key | public | string | The stream key of the channel | - | src/structures/channel.ts:87 |
ingest.url | public | string | The ingest url of the channel | - | src/structures/channel.ts:92 |
slug | public | string | The slug of the channel | - | src/structures/channel.ts:27 |
stream | public | object | The channel's current stream details Note: If the channel is currently not live, this will show data of the most recent broadcast ot live, this will show data of the most recent broadcast ot live, this will show data of the most recent broadcast | - | src/structures/channel.ts:43 |
stream.category | public | Category | The current directory category of the stream | - | src/structures/channel.ts:47 |
stream.isLive | public | boolean | Indicates if the stream is currently live | - | src/structures/channel.ts:52 |
stream.isMature | public | boolean | Indicates if the stream is for mature audiences only | - | src/structures/channel.ts:57 |
stream.language | public | string | The primary language of the stream | - | src/structures/channel.ts:62 |
stream.startTime | public | Date | The start time of the stream | - | src/structures/channel.ts:67 |
stream.streamTitle | public | string | The title of the stream | - | src/structures/channel.ts:72 |
stream.viewerCount | public | number | The viewer count of the stream | - | src/structures/channel.ts:77 |
toJSON(): ExcludeFunctionsAndPrivate<Channel>